Radiology In Practice, Hour 2 of 8, CT, MRI, Bone Scans and Plane Films

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1 Credit
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As presented by Dr. Osterhouse, Radiology in Practice teaches how to take and interpret radiographs, MRIs, CTs, and other diagnostic imaging tools, including the bone scan. In addition, the course provides a valuable review of spinal and extremity imaging for a doctor in general practice.

This hour reviews what a practitioner should know about common pathologies, how to visualize them with diagnostic tools, and normal variants that make diagnosing difficult. Dr. Osterhouse provides examples of the most common findings on plain film, MRI, and CT. She offers patient histories and examination findings to give a complete idea of what a practitioner might find in practice. 

Learning Objectives

The participant will be able to describe how to use specific diagnostic tools to visualize the spine, which tools are best for particular conditions, and when to use imaging equipment to diagnose spinal trauma or disease.

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